It’s true, camping is usually associated with warm weather. Backpacks loaded with T-shirts, shorts, sunscreen, bug repellent, and water bottles are the norm. But there is a population of campers that doesn’t restrict their camping trips to sunny summer weather or hang up their s’mores roasters and flashlights when the temperatures drop and the snow starts to fly. In fact, some people wait all year to go camping in a winter wonderland that can be brutal yet invigorating. Up here in the north, winter is by far the prettiest season of the year (in my opinion). Trees become blanketed with wet, heavy snow, and wide-open, snow-covered fields glisten in the sun. And what better way to feel at one with nature and experience the sheer beauty and peacefulness of the season than to pack up and take to the snowy roads in search of a quiet, secluded spot to call home. Winter brings with it the opportunity to enjoy so much outdoor time with a variety of winter sports, such as skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating, sledding, and so much more. And the snow serves not only as beautiful scenery, but it can be used to your advantage when you’re calling the great snowy outdoors home. Let’s look at 5 different uses for snow when you’re enjoying some winter camping.
Skirting for your RV

If you’re heading out into the snowy tundra for an extended trip with an RV, this tip will surely come in handy. A big issue associated with winter RVing is being able to keep yourself and your RV warm enough when the temperatures drop below freezing. This is not only important for your own health, safety, and comfort, but it’s also important for the integrity of your RV. Your holding tanks and water lines need to stay warm enough that they don’t freeze and break or cause damage to your RV. If your RV isn’t equipped with skirting, don’t fret! You can use the surrounding snow to create your own RV skirting that works just as well as the real thing. Simply pile snow up all around the bottom of your RV and pack it tightly to keep frigid blowing winds and snow from penetrating the underbelly of your RV. Make sure to leave exhaust areas free of snow though, otherwise you could risk having CO build up inside your RV, which is very hazardous! Amazingly, snow is a great insulator, and it will help your RV’s underbelly, tanks, and water lines stay warm enough and not freeze even when everything around you is frozen solid. Consider leaving a few small openings in your snow skirting in case you need to crawl under your RV for any reason. So hang your homemade bird feeders, settle in with a hot cup of coffee, and enjoy the warmth of your RV while you watch the snow fall outside your windows.
A Fridge for Your Food

Whether you’re camping in a tent or an RV, the snow right outside your door is a great refrigerator! If your RV’s fridge is full, no problem! Just plop your extra food outside in the snow to keep it nice and cold. Or if you didn’t haul a big cooler along with your tent and camping supplies on your winter expedition, just use Mother Nature’s refrigerator for all of your cold food and drinks. Your food will always be within easy reach just outside your tent. Simply unzip your tent, grab a cold drink or snack, and zip back up to return to your warm and cozy oasis in the snow.
Water for Your Plants

People who call their RV home for an extended period of time often adorn the inside of their RV with plants. Not only do plants create a cozy, home-like atmosphere, but they’re also natural air filters. And when your home away from home is literally the size of a storage unit, the air can get a little funky after a while. So if you decorate your RV with plants, use the snow right outside your door to water them. Using snow and ice to water plants is a great way to release moisture slowly into the plant’s soil, and it helps avoid overwatering or spillage from pouring too much water into an already waterlogged pot.
Tracks That Help You Find Your Way Back Home

Hiking is one of the best cardiovascular exercises you can do, and in the winter you get an even bigger health boost thanks to the snow underfoot. The weight and depth of the snow make you work harder for each step. You have to step higher and use more muscle just to move one foot in front of the other. But if you’ve gone hiking before in the winter, maybe you’ve noticed that it’s easy to get turned around or lost because of everything being covered in snow. All the snow-covered trees kind of take on the same look, and the whitewashed ground seems to go on forever in every direction. But you can actually use the snow to your advantage in this situation. If you’re hiking in a desolate location, you’re bound to be the only person (or people) out there making tracks (besides the animals). So you can simply use your tracks to find your way back to camp. However if it’s snowing heavily, don’t be out for too long since your tracks will start to be covered up with heavily falling snow as soon as you make them.
A Wintry Playground

Snow is meant to be enjoyed, so get out there and use the snow for fun! It’s pretty to look at, and it’s even more fun to play in! Bring along your cross-country skis, snowshoes, sleds, brick and snowball makers, snowman-building supplies, even a football for some fun tackle football in the snow. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll work up a sweat enjoying the frozen tundra just outside your RV or tent. Just make sure you dress for the weather by bringing along clothes you can layer and easily take off when you start to heat up. Hats, gloves, and warm boots are essential to keeping your core temp regulated and your extremities safe from frostbite. And you’re guaranteed a delicious cup of hot chocolate when you call it a day and head inside.
Also, for a full tutorial on how to turn snow into drinking water, click here!
Do you enjoy winter camping? How do you use snow to your advantage when you’re calling the great outdoors home in the winter? Share your cool ideas with us below!