Biophilia – How RVs Help You Bond With Nature

Our surroundings have a greater impact on our lives than we may think. Both on a conscious and unconscious level, our environment effects our mood, outlook, and well-being. Urban and industrial designs, although trendy and impressive, rarely take this significance into consideration when creating architectural frameworks. RVs, on the other hand, boast naturally biophilic designs that allow users to engage with the outside world, not just as a way to live life more adventurously, but to live life happier and healthier too! Let’s take a closer look at biophilia and how RVs help you bond with nature and find happiness in natural spaces!

The Biophilia Hypothesis

Biophilia was first coined by Erich Fromm in his 1973 book, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. The concept was later popularized by Edward O. Wilson in his 1984 book Biophilia. The biophilia hypothesis argues that there is an instinctive connection between humans and other living systems. The term itself literally means “love of life” or “love of living systems,” and it suggests that our evolutionary history has bred in us an intense desire to seek out the natural world. Supporters argue that this connection is the essence of our humanity. At its core, it is our love for all that is alive! Whether we are conscious of that love or not, our bodies our biologically hard-wired to crave a connection to life cycles.

The Proof Is In The Patients

In 1984, Dr. Roger Ulrich conducted research which looked at the effects hospital room assignments had on patient’s recoveries. Twenty-three patients healing from cholecystectomy surgeries were assigned randomly to rooms within a hospital. The rooms were identical, with the exception of the window view: one group’s room overlooked a range of lush forest; the other group’s room was enclosed with brown, brick walls. The results of the study revealed that the patients with a window view had faster recovery times, less complications and negative comments, and a reduced need for strong painkillers.

Implications Of Biophilia

This research forever changed the way hospital architecture was perceived. The study implied that architectural design was greater than just aesthetics or expression; it was a matter of health. People now had proof that surroundings had the power to make people feel calmer, more at ease, and less stressed. Knowing that your dwelling is a contributing factor to your overall well-being, it is important to choose your surroundings wisely. When you spend your days walled off from the living world, your body has a negative response. Seeking out contact with sunshine, plants, animals, and natural environmental textures reinforces good health for your mind, body, and soul. So go on a fun geocaching adventure or visit the beautiful Heceta Head Lighthouse State Scenic Viewpoint to surround yourself in the beauty of nature. Your body will thank you!

RVs & Biophilia

Because your dwelling is truly a matter of health and happiness, RVs might be one of the most beneficial settings to live in. You’ll be hard pressed to find another structure that boast a better biophilic design, and you certainly won’t find a better gateway to appreciating Mother Nature! Long before any research was conducted, RV manufacturers were already using concepts of biophilia to design and create their units. And long before any hospital patients were analyzed, RVers were already reaping the benefits of biophilic surroundings.

Small Space, Big World

You might think of the confined spaces of RVs as downsides, but they’re actually a blessing in disguise. RVing encourages you to get outside and interact with nature. It promotes a more active and engaging lifestyle, and it transports you to picturesque places and diverse landscapes which further stimulate your innate love of all that is alive. RVing heals biophilic deficiencies by reintroducing you to the big, beautiful world that we are so blessed to call home!

Conservation & Preservation

Part of the appeal of living small is simplifying your life and gaining control over the impression you make on the environment. When you become aware of your love for nature, you become more obligated to your sense of protecting and preserving it. In an RV, you reduce your contribution to depleting the earth’s resources and you do your part to ensure that future generations are not robbed of their biophilic nourishment.

Authenticity & Connection

Research shows that the positive effects of biophilic designs cannot be replicated with the use of photographs or natural earth-tone paint colors. Our bodies have a keen and subconscious ability to detect fraud. Environmental features must contain a sense of authenticity in order to be effective. The large picture windows and portable capabilities of RVs make them ideal for living more intimately with the natural world. RVs aren’t designed to bring you a reproduction of organic environments, they are designed to bring you closer to the real thing.

Human beings have an inherent affinity and an embedded preference for certain aesthetic characteristics of natural environments. The advantages of having an RV extend past their portability. In reality, they are tools that will aid in your education, health, and your overall relationship with the world around you! How does your RV bring you closer to nature? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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